Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012
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WI News. Sekedar Memeperkaya Wacana dalam Era Otsus. Barang kali informasi ini penting anda yang haus informasi seputar simpang siur istilah siapa orang Papua dan Orang Papua asli. Lebih jelas lihat hasil analisa dan kajian seorang S. Karoba dibawah ini. Silahkan lihat dan selamat Membaca.
Walak Inane
WI News.Ada sebuah Maha Karya seorang Intelerekual menemukan fonologi bahasa Walak. Walak adalah salah Suku terkecil diantara suku-suku besar pengunungan Papua. Mengapa Walak sebuah suku karena dia mampu menunjukkan identitsnya sebagai sebuah suku karena memiliki karakteristik sosial kemasyarakatannya. Salah satu unsur - karakteristik budaya, yaitu bahasa dan dialeg. Dia mampu menemukan fonologinya yang ditemukan oleh Rev.Markus Kilungga, S.Th. Beliau bukan seorang sarjana linguistik, namun beliau mampu menunjukkan kemampuan teori kebahasaan terhadap para pakar bahasa lain yang tergabung dalam Summer Institute of Lenguage ( SIL).
Salah bukti adalah melalui karyanya yang berjudul
Ini merupakan sebuah bukti inteletual seorang Markus Kilungga dengan talentanya mampu menunjukkan meraih penghargaan oleh para pakar bahasa orang Luar maupun dalam negeri. Beliau sementara selaku Koordinator Penerjemahan Alkitab bahasa Walak . Sambil mengkoordinir proyek penerjemahan ini dia juga sedang belajar di negeri paman Sam Amerika Serikat tepat di San Francisco, Santa Barbara.
Jika ingin mengetahui kegiatan beliau di proyek penerjemahan Alkitab bahasa Walak kunjungi disini link LAI http://www.alkitab.or.id/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=246.
Demikian kegiatan seorang Markus dan teman-teman timnya. Martinus Gombo,S.Th serta Wilhelmus Kilungga, S.Th
Salah bukti adalah melalui karyanya yang berjudul
An nane il walkabuk: walak wene erlo emekwi mende inake = Bahasaku tiada taranya: buku bacaan murid dalam bahasa Walak. 2001.
Ini merupakan sebuah bukti inteletual seorang Markus Kilungga dengan talentanya mampu menunjukkan meraih penghargaan oleh para pakar bahasa orang Luar maupun dalam negeri. Beliau sementara selaku Koordinator Penerjemahan Alkitab bahasa Walak . Sambil mengkoordinir proyek penerjemahan ini dia juga sedang belajar di negeri paman Sam Amerika Serikat tepat di San Francisco, Santa Barbara.
Jika ingin mengetahui kegiatan beliau di proyek penerjemahan Alkitab bahasa Walak kunjungi disini link LAI http://www.alkitab.or.id/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=246.
Demikian kegiatan seorang Markus dan teman-teman timnya. Martinus Gombo,S.Th serta Wilhelmus Kilungga, S.Th
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Karena Matrilineal tidak dikenal di kitab TORAT, NEVI'IN dan Ketuvim atau disebut Tanakh.
Silahkan diklik disini:
Yahudi berdasarkan Matrilineal itu berdasarkan kitabTALMUD bukan Tanakh. Kitab Talmud itu ditentang oleh Yesus Kristus sendiri.
Lihat di web ini siapa pembuat Kitab Talmud dan asal usulnya:
Lalu Siapakah Yahudi itu yang sebenarnya? Silahkan baca....
Who Is Jew
The term Jew has been around for nearly 4000 years and it was first coined by Lëia who named her son Jew. She did not pronounce it as Jew, as we do today, but rather as Yähudäh. Taking a long journey through several languages, from Hebrew to Aramaic, through Greek to Latin, and on into French and finally English, Yähudäh was transformed into Jew1. When Yähudäh (Judah) was named, it was purely a spiritual name, as he was not descended from any tribe or race of Judah.
“And she became pregnant again, and gave birth to a son, and she said, This time I will give praise to יהוה. Therefore she called his name Yahuda, and she celebrated from his birth.” - Genesis 29:35
The name Yähudäh is a combination of the Hebrew words for PRAISE + the NAME of God. Yada + Yahuh = Yahudah. ידא + יהוה = יהודה
The emissary Paul defines a Jew according to their observance of the Torah. He taught that bearing the name “Jew” automatically implies that you follow the commandments of יהוה.
“Now if you are called Yähudäya (Jews), and you delight in the law, and you boast in the Almighty, that you know his will and you discern what is proper from your education in the law…” - Romans 2:17-18
Without quoting the whole second chapter of Romans, it comes down to this. Those who fulfill the will of יהוה, which is His law, they are considered to be authentic praisers of יהוה, or Yähudäya (Jews), regardless of their race, or their formal education in the Torah, or if their penis has been circumcised. This is not to say one should not study the Torah, nor follow through with a ritual conversion.
“Therefore if he who is uncircumcised keeps the commandments of the law, is it not apparent that the uncircumcised be considered as though he was circumcised? And the uncircumcised who naturally fulfill the law will judge you who with the genealogical records and circumcision violate the law. For he is not a Yähudäya (Jew) who is by appearance, not even he who is visibly circumcised in the flesh. But he is a Yähudäya (Jew) who is one inwardly, and who is circumcised of the heart, in spirit, and not according to the genealogical records, and who is not approved by men but rather by the Almighty.” - Romans 2:26-29
Today some are quick to judge one’s Jewishness by the surgical state of their flesh, and whether their mother was “Jewish,” thus discounting a person by their racial heritage, rather than by their spiritual status. This is the same mistake that some were making 2000 years ago. Consider this. If one could only be Jewish by their mother, then how could Yähudäh be Jewish since his mother Lëia was not? Neither was her mother. For that matter, who was the first Jewish mother? That question can not be answered by this racial method of reckoning, and therefore is invalid.
While some define their Jewishness according to the flesh, Paul emphatically states that ancestry does not matter, but rather a Jew is a spiritual kind of person. Paul discounts any physical sign that one is a Jew, especially circumcision. He teaches that even if a heathen, ignorant of the law, and without circumcision, by nature fulfills the commandments of the law, he is more of a Jew than one who knows the law, is circumcised, and comes from a long line of Jews, but fails to keep those same commandments.
This not only defines who is a Jew, but is essentially what is Judaism. Judaism is the worship or praising of יהוה and the keeping of the commandments of His law. This means that Judaism is not a man-made religion, but rather a religion made by יהוה and given to men, the only religion endorsed by Him for mankind to follow.
Yahudaya (Jews) is the Name of יהוה’s people. How do we know this? Because He tells us so, many times.
“If My people, upon whom My Name is called, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their evil ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” - Dibrei Hayamim Bet (2 Chronicles) 7:14 (JPS)
“I will say to the north, Give up, and to the south, Keep not back, Bring My sons from far, and my daughter from the end of the earth, Every one that is called by My Name and whom I have created for My glory.” - Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 43:6-7 (JPS)
The only name given to a group of people that contains that expresses the Name יהוה is Yahudaya (Jews). Even those who converted to Judaism from the nations were to be called Yahudaya (Jews) to increase His fame and reputation.
“Shëmåun told the story to you how the Almighty began to choose from the nations a people for His Name.” - Acts 15:14
Now Jew can also refer to one’s tribal affiliation within Israel. The definition for this kind of Jew is one who is a descendant of Yähudäh the son of Lëia, or one who is married to such a man regardless of what tribe the wife originated from. Her and her children will be affiliated with the tribe of Yähudäh, and be called Yähudäya (Jews). Many people find it difficult to discern between these two meanings, as to which is intended in a certain passage.
Perhaps it can be compared this way. There is a league of soccer teams. There are 12 teams in all, each with a team name. However one of the teams calls themselves by a rather saavy name, “The Players”. Even though one team has made that their name of distinction, the reality is that all 12 teams are players, and will be called such. This is how it plays out with the names of the 12 tribes of Israel. They are all Jews spiritually, however one tribe carries that name to distinguish itself among the other tribes.
Another use of the term Jew refers those who are citizens or residents within the jurisdiction of the land or province of Yähudäh (Judea). These are typically of the tribe of Yähudäh, but may also be from any other tribe who are ethnically connected by religion, culture, or government.
It is quite clear then that there are at least three2 different meanings for Jew, firstly the spiritual or religious designation, then the tribal or racial designation, and finally concerning dominion and citizenship. The very same word is used for all three, and so one must pay careful attention to the context in which the term is used.
One thing that Jew does not and could never mean is Zionist. In today’s world Zionists are mistakenly called Jews, when in fact there are just as many Christian and atheist Zionists. Many Jews are not Zionists, and in fact many are very opposed to Zionism’s principles and methods. Zionism is a political affiliation that is open to all people regardless of race or religion, (however it was only conceived to benefit certain qualified and so called “Jews”.) A true spiritual Jew can never be a Zionist because they would have to violate the commandments of Torah, and deny that there will ever be any Messiah Saviour except the Zionist people themselves.
1. c.1175 (in plural, giwis), from Anglo-Fr. iuw, from O.Fr. giu, from L. Judaeum (nom. Judaeus), from Gk. Ioudaios, from Aramaic jehudhai (Heb. y’hudi “Jew,” from Y’hudah “Judah,” lit. “celebrated,” name of Jacob’s fourth son and of the tribe descended from him. - Online Etymology Dictionary
2. American Heritage Dictionary
Jew n.
1. An adherent of Judaism as a religion or culture.
2. A member of the widely dispersed people originally descended from the ancient Hebrews and sharing an ethnic heritage based on Judaism.
3. A native or inhabitant of the ancient kingdom of Judah.
Thank you
"Doesn't the Tanakh support the idea of Jewish descendency being passed on via the father? Wasn't Isaac a Jew because of his father Abraham? Isn't true that the Talmud and Rabbinical Judaism came up with the notion that one is Jewish because of the mother and not father?"
The Miq'ra (Tanah) does support the notion that descent, or tribal lineage, passes from father-to-son, or father-to-daughter, i.e. making the Yisraeli society one that is patriarchal. This is why the Miq'ra goes through great lengths at times to show historical records of father-to-son lineage.
As to Yitshaq (Isaac) being a Jew because of his father 'Avraham (Abraham), such is not the case, because neither of them were Jews. 'Avraham was a Hebrew, as was Yitshaq, Ya'aqov, b'ney-Yisra'el, including those among b'ney-Yisra'el that can be considered as Jews, but neither 'Avraham, Yitshaq, or Ya'aqov were Jewish. Concerning Hebrews, it is my assessment that even b'ney-Esaw and b'ney-Yishma'el are Hebrews, like unto us, as are b'ney-Lot, still none of these people are Jewish.
Some people get confused in that they think that Jewish denotes adherents to a particular religion, and while this does hold some truth to it, this truth is subjective, depending on whether you adhere to Formalist Thought or Functionalist Thought.
This begs the question of "What does it mean to be Jewish?"
As the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures denote, when the descendants of Yisra'el came up out of Mitsrayim (Egypt), under the leadership of Mosheh bin-'Amram (Moses, son of Amram), they were given the Torah as their Constitution, along with a land to be their nation, a theocratic nation. Much like the Constitution of the United States of America, there are provisions contained within the Torah for those not of the offspring of Yisra'el to become part of the Yisraeli people, i.e. obtain citizenship into the nation 'Erets Yisra'el (Land of Yisra'el).
In the beginning of this nation, all twelve tribes, or twelve States (to use America as an example), were united as one nation, but after the death of Sholomo bin-Dawidh (Solomon, son of David), this nation became divided over certain ideological ideas, and became two nations, Northern and Southern (much like the United States), and the people (and States) of the Southern nation became known as Jewish (Yuhudhim), no matter which tribal family they were from, namely because the beyt-Dawidh (House of David) were came to be the kingship, and they were of the tribal family of Yuhudha (Judah).
In both nations, the Torah was the Constitution of the nation, and there was a king, and a congressional unit that was made of the Kohanim (priesthood). The ideology that set this Southern Nation apart from its Northern counterpart is that it considered the beyt-Dawidh to be the royal bloodline, and Yerushalam (Jerusalem) to be the capitol city, and the centre of worship. The Northern nation, on the other hand believes the royal bloodline to be that of Efrayim bin-Yosef (Ephraim, son of Joseph), and Shehem to be capitol city, and centre of worship.
The Northern Kingdom, while still Yisraeli, still adherents to the Torah, according to their understanding of such, and while still offspring of 'Avraham, Yitshaq, and Ya'aqov, are not Jewish.
It irks me though, to hear people referred to as Jewish, merely on the grounds that they were born into a Jewish household, or of Jewish descent, when they do not even adhere to the principles of what it means to be Jewish, or have forgotten such principles, namely that the Torah is our Constitution, Yerushalam is our capitol city, beyt-Dawidh makes up our kingship, and Kohanim sit in all our other national government positions, then in local government positions we have both Kohanim, and tribal elders.
Yohanan bin-Dawidh
Batak Israel